Monday, 10 September 2012

Essay On Genetic Engineering

DNA technology has been widely applied in manipulating genome of an organism to achieve some modifications, with a targeted end result. This essay on genetic engineering seeks to discuss what genetic engineering is, its challenges, as well as applications. This essay on genetic engineering shows that, although there are many positive things about application of genetic engineering, there are important concerns raised about the same. Thus, the essay on genetic engineering proves that the technology is not wholesome positive. This essay on genetic engineering first introduces the whole idea of genetic engineering.
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Genetic engineering involves identification of an organism of interest and then use of foreign DNA to tamper with its genetic makeup and reproduction. Genetic engineering applies recombinant DNA to makeup an organism. However, it makes use of traditional methods of breeding to progress recombination.
Genetic engineering is touted as potential that is endless. In fact, a lot of progress has already been made in the areas of medicine and agriculture among others. Many solutions for diseases and health conditions such as anemia, wounds, blood clotting and diabetes, have been reached.
In agriculture, genetic engineering has aided insect and diseases cure as well as resistance for plants. In addition, genetic engineering has helped in production of more milk and leaner meat. It has helped in production of genetically modified organisms.
Some of the challenges and problems of applications of genetic engineering includes widespread of diseases as a result of GMOs use. Genes from GMO also have spread and affected other organisms.
Genetic engineering has also been blamed for creating biological weapons. People have raised ethical and moral concerns where genetic engineering involves use of genetic information acquired from people. In addition, there has been criticism of technology aimed at genetic engineering of humans. It is also blamed for disrupting ecosystem. It is clear that release of GMOs must be controlled under regulations.     

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