Saturday, 8 September 2012

Essay On Social Change

Research shows that annual population growth has been slowing down between 1950 and 2010. In the developed countries, the annual population growth is at 0.3%, in less developed countries, at 1.3% and in least developed countries at 2.7%. So what is social change? If you are writing an essay on social change, this is one the first questions that you must have an answer to. Consequently, social change is an alteration in the social order of a society.  This may be progressive or evolutionary. Progressive social change is profoundly democratic undertaking. It involves making significant changes on a systematic level. Subsequently, it ends with conflict with the people in power.
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When writing an essay on social change, you may consider discussing the positive effects of social change. To begin with, social change joins people of different races and ethnics, ages, and genders among others, to implements creative solutions to social predicaments. As such, this brings forth a movement which makes change. Again, social change does not build solutions that affect a few individuals only but the society at large. Besides, social change influences the attitude, behaviors of different individuals, to have a better reflection of the values and opportunities in the society. Social change makes the government, education institutions, and large corporations to be responsible. Besides, social change is also an advocate for justice.
Another factor that you may consider discussing when writing an essay on social change is its attributes. Social change is attributed to a structural transformation of political, social and economic systems. This creates a society that is unbiased and just. Again, social change advocates for solutions to social predicaments such as violence and poverty. Besides, the organizations promoting social change comprises of dedicated, persistent, and diligent personnel. For example, women working collectively towards addressing the predicament of gender violence and discrimination.

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