engineering is manipulating, deleting or adding traits to
achieve a desired change. This Genetic
engineering essay discusses the benefits of genetic engineering such as
cure of diseases and solutions in agriculture. This Genetic engineering essay also discusses the applications of
genetic engineering. The Genetic
engineering essay indicates that genetic engineering is applicable across
the divide.
Genetic engineering takes
advantage of the DNA technology to achieve the ends. It also takes advantage of
the fact that different organisms can share genetic material. It presents a
bright future because its endless possibilities.
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There are so many applications
for genetic engineering. What is clear is that the applications cut across the fields
of medicine, agriculture and other industries. In medical applications, genetic
engineering has made considerable progress in treating various diseases. For
instance, it has been applied in gene therapy.
Genetic engineering is also
applied in developing of vaccines and aids research on diseases. There are so
many products made through genetic engineering, that could be listed, but a few
include blood proteins for treating anemia and human hormones for application
in wound healing. These are just a few of the examples.
Some of the agricultural
applications of genetic engineering include making insecticides for plants and
herbicide resistant solutions. In addition, there have been hormonal solutions
to induce production of more milk and enabling production of leaner meat by
animals. One of the highly debated applications of genetic engineering in
animal kingdom is the genetically modified organisms or the largely popularized
as the GMOs.
There have been many
applications of genetic engineering in other industries and factories, such as
protein manufacture. This is accomplished via use of mammalian cells. Others
used are bacteria and fungi. There have been improvements of waste management.
Engineers have also been able to produce more catalysts.
However, there are so many
infections blamed on the GMOs, among other safety concerns.
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