When called upon to
write a criminology essay, it is
astute to start by defining criminology. Consequently, criminology is the
scientific study of the nature, extent, causes and control of crime both in
individual an in the society. It is an
interdisciplinary field in the behavioral sciences.{Follow link to get term paper writing services}
Again, when writing a criminology essay, you may consider
describing causes, and consequences of crime. To begin with, poor parenting
skills are a predominant cause of crime. Children that were abused end up in
crime. Peer influence is another cause of crime. If you listen to many people
who have been in crime, most of them started with their peers. Another social
factor that poses a strong influence to an individual is drugs and alcohol.
Drugs and alcohol reduce socially defined rules of behavior, hence promoting an
individual to commit crime. A threat of
long years of imprisonment to an individual under the influence of drugs does
not make sense. Another predominant cause of crime is poverty. People of low
income and education will go an extra step, including breaking the law, just to
get their basic needs.
So how can we prevent
crime? This is one question that you are bound to answer when writing a criminology essay. To begin with,
impose effective strength of law enforcement agencies. Introduce measures and
conditions that favor the family unit. Keep it in mind that the family unit is
one of the greatest institutions that fight crime. Again, create jobs for the youth.
Another criminology essay subject for
discussion is the consequences of crime. Some of the consequences of crime include
imprisonment which comes with depressing years of no family, peace or good food
among others. Another consequence is death. Many criminals die in the scenes of
crime. Other consequences of crime are divorce, disabilities, and rejection by
the society, just but to mention a few.
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